ISIS ‘cell’ claims responsibility for Parsons Green Tube bomb attack

ISIS 'cell' claims responsibility for Parsons Green Tube bomb attack
ISIS 'cell' claims responsibility for Parsons Green Tube bomb attack
ISIS 'cell' claims responsibility for Parsons Green Tube bomb attack
ISIS ‘cell’ claims responsibility for Parsons Green Tube bomb attack

ISIS ‘cell’ has claimed responsibility for the Parsons Green terror attack which left 29 people injured.

Theresa May raised Britain’s terror threat level to critical after an ISIS “cell” claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on the Tube.

The Prime Minister raised Britain’s terror threat level to the highest possible stage, meaning another attack could be expected imminently.

It came after the terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombing on a packed rush hour train at Parsons Green in west London during the morning rush hour which left 29 people injured.

Shortly after ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, the Prime Minister raised the UK’s threat level.

The Prime Minister said military personnel would replace police officers “on guard duties at certain protected sites which are not accessible to the public”.

Mrs May said: “The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) has now decided to raise the national threat level from severe to critical.

“This means that their assessment is that a future attack may be imminent.

“Following JTAC’s decision police have asked for authorisation from the Secretary of State for Defence to enact part of the first phase of operation Temperer.

“This is a well established plan to provide military support to the police and for this period military personnel will replace police officers on guard duties at certain protected sites which are not accessible to the public.

“The public will see more armed police on the transport network and on our streets providing extra protection and this is a proportionate and sensible step which will provide extra reassurance and protection while the investigation progresses.

“The public should go about their business in the normal way and as usual be vigilant and cooperate with the police.

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